Thursday, August 17, 2006


Lieberman Leads Among Likely Connecticut Voters

Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman, running as an independent, gets 53 percent of likely voters, with 41 percent for Democratic primary winner Ned Lamont and 4 percent for Republican Alan Schlesinger, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Among registered voters, Sen. Lieberman gets 49 percent, followed by Lamont with 38 percent and Schlesinger with 4 percent. This compares to a 51 - 27 percent Lieberman lead over Lamont, with 9 percent for Schlesinger in a July 20 poll by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

In this latest survey, Lieberman leads 75 - 13 - 10 percent among likely Republican voters, and 58 - 36 - 3 percent among likely independent voters, while likely Democratic voters back Lamont 63 - 35 percent.
If he wins given Republican support, I actually don't see it being all that bad. He will no longer be seen as a Democrat and so can't be used as a bludgeon against Democrats, the Democrats can take a more unified stand on foreign policy issues, and he is more socially liberal than a majority of all republicans. It is a much better scenario than the republican winning. Of course, I would prefer Lamont...

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