Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fishy chips

Britain is becoming 'Big Brother' society
Britain is ranked bottom of the democratic Western world and alongside Russia for its record on protecting individual privacy in a table published Thursday by Privacy International, a human rights watchdog.

The nation has up to 4.2 million CCTV (closed-circuit television) cameras, or about one for every 14 people.

The government is pushing ahead with controversial plans to introduce biometric identity cards, while Prime Minister Tony Blair has said he wants an expansion of the police's DNA database to cover even people released without charge.
The identity cards is a disaster of a plan, btw.


Anonymous said...

as a recent victim of a violent crime in Britain...I'm glad of CCTV.

Matthew said...

Sorry to hear that anon. I'm just curious, did the CCTVs help to catch the offender? There are two main rationales for CCTV, one is crime prevention and the other is crime solving. Since it was ineffective in this case for crime prevention, I hope it helped on the other end.

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