Saturday, May 12, 2007

Silly quizes

Which God or Goddess are you like?
Your Result: The Christian God

You are the Holy Lord. You are the shepherd and those that follow you are your lambs. You are kind and patient, but when need be, you are vile and creul. You are often asked for advise or wisdom, and you willingly give it. Congratulations!! You are God!!

Goddess Bast
Goddess Sekhemet
God Zeus
You are your own God or Goddess
Which God or Goddess are you like?
Make Your Own Quiz
I didn't expect that result. I like that Buddha was number 2 though :)


Unknown said...

That's ok -- it says you are creul, which we can say means that the number 2 one in this list is the one for you, if you must have one.

Unknown said...

Which God or Goddess are you like?
Your Result: You are your own God or Goddess

Sorry to say, i have no answer that fits you. You are your very own person, and you like to do things your own way. You have stumped me this time, but i will soon make a quiz that will have your answer, just you wait...

Goddess Sekhemet

God Zeus

Goddess Bast



The Christian God

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