Saturday, December 02, 2006

Proving what we already knew

Eating slowly really does make people eat less
A new study provides the first-ever scientific proof that if you eat slowly, you will eat less -- and you will enjoy the meal more.

Women consumed about 70 fewer calories when they were told to take their time eating a meal of pasta and sauce, compared to when they were instructed to eat it as quickly as possible. They also rated the meal as more pleasant when they ate slowly.

"They got more pleasure for (fewer) calories, and more satiety for (fewer) calories," Dr. Kathleen Melanson of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston told Reuters Health."
So if you eat slowly from a small plate you will undoubtably live 33.2% longer, and thus pollute 33.2% more!

Btw, we need to get rich people to give poor people rides

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