Friday, January 18, 2008

Bio-pheromone weapons

Pentagon working on a fear bomb?

1 comment:

B. Nicholson said...

As an old friend of Steve Spielberg, I put the fear pheromone in the Batman movie. Lisa Simpson (the cartoon character) did the full protocol for national broadcast! That was the only way to get the message out. I sent the idea to Darpa and they hire some technicians to do my work. If DARPA has no regard for intellectual property, why should red China?

The fear pheromone emissions are also likely addictive, they (probably many more than one working synergistically and species-specifically) provide some satisfaction to violent criminals. This explains the appetitive behavior of violent criminals.
There is likely to be a pheromone recognition protein in the human schnoz/upper respiratory system for reception. Look at the brush border/microvillar associated cells that produce something similar to Bowman's secretion. That protein is the key to spreading panic, I'd say. You might use an antennagram apparatus to id the protein from suspect samples. Isolate that baby and you may really have something.

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