Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The politics of Politics 2.0

or, Open Source Politics in the US and Canada (btw - the Canadian election is today)
In the U.S., those true believers have created the extraordinary online juggernaut that appears poised to propel Barack Obama to the White House next month.

Obama uses the web for all the usual campaign functions; raising money, pushing his message, keeping supporters and the press abreast of what he is doing and saying.
But the revolutionary aspect of Obama's online operation has not been so much its ability to use the web to talk to supporters as its ability to allow them to talk to each other, to form real and virtual communities that inspire others, especially young people, who have never before been politically engaged.

On his website, Obama writes "I'm asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington. I'm asking you to believe in yours."

He is not just running a campaign, he is using the web to try to create a political movement.
I guess the next election will incorporate aspects of the geospatial web for even more targeted campaigning.

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