Monday, August 17, 2009

BHO spells it out

finally, bho spells it out in plain language. unfortunately, 99.99% of americans wont read this, but hopefully the points will trickle down to the cable network in easy to read and understand points.

i saw a commercial as well put-out by some interest group spelling out the need for healthcare reform. i was glad to finally see some countering to the rabid barking of the town hall protestors (i'm still trying to figure out exactly what their upset out, other than generalities about how the country is changing).

1 comment:

nick said...

i discovered that if you google the term 'obamacare', you will get an abundance of counter sites describing the problems with obama's plan. unfortunately, i cant make any sense of the stats and figures they are throwing at me. it seems like this healthcare issue is so complicated, so full of data, that you can convincingly spin it anyway you want. i dont even know how to counter it.

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