Monday, January 07, 2008

The Air Car


nick said...

i want one. it would be perfect for my short commutes to work, which doesnt involve a highway.

one problem though is where to recharge, since i dont have a garage with a plug.

the engine is also perfect for motorboats, which are big polluters.

Anonymous said...

Me want. This thing is so cool. If it actually comes online it will restructure the world economy. Expect push back from the oil and car companies.

Matthew said...

Yeah - hopefully the documentary "who killed the electric car" will get some serious play time over the next year or so to raise awareness. I have hopes that the world cultural climate is more ripe for this type of invention.

But you are right, Brian - it would radically shift the power players in the world. The multi-billion dollar companies won't go out without a serious fight.

nick said...

i'm curious about the technology behind this. i dont see why it couldnt have been invented 50 years ago. its just compressed air as far as i can tell. maybe the tooling needed to cut the complex patterns into the aluminum engines blocks? or the carbon fiber safety casing for the air canisters?

nick said...

you want one?

fill this out...

Anonymous said...

I would fill it out, but they probably require all kinds of crazy stuff from you before they'll give you one. I bet they even want money.

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