Friday, April 14, 2006

Bush's band of war-happy simpletons

From grownups to a band of war-happy simpletons
Are the Bushies totally insensate? Or are they simply stupid?
Enquiring minds, you know...

So, this is the line I would like to hear more often. This is, well at least for me, a convincing argument. The Bushies are nuts, they don't consider the consequences, we can't trust them, and we want to let them start another war?

All that said, I reconsidered my latest post saying not to fire Rumsfeld. If Rumsfeld leaving means an improved approach to Iraq, then I am all for it. But again, I don't see anyone but an even more sycophantic person installed instead, so...

The authors conclusion?
They should never again be allowed anywhere near the instruments and agencies of the American government.
(link from here)

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