Thursday, April 20, 2006

Give them a rope

As rhetoric builds, Democrats in Congress lie low on Iran
Most aides refused to speculate whether Democrats might support a military operation in Iran. Several aides acknowledged, however, that some Democrats in Congress could support a military strike. If it was presented with clear and damning evidence of an Iranian nuclear program, aides said, Bush might be able to get Congressional authorization for the use of force.

Such aides were careful to emphasize that the Bush Administration provided faulty intelligence on Iraq. Any military action Democrats supported, one aide said, would not include the use of nuclear weapons.

That said, most Democrats view any military rhetoric on Iran as a tool to bring the Iranians to the bargaining table.

One aide to a leading Democratic senator disagreed with the contention that Congress would ever support an attack on Iran.

“Even the neocon nuts in the White House know they’d get laughed out of the Senate if they asked for a vote to go to war in Iran,” the aide asserted. “There’s not a single hardline Republican in the Senate who would vote with them after their bad intelligence and botched Iraq war planning.”

Asked about Democratic strategy on Iran, the aide said, “The strategy is simple: Give the Republicans enough rope and they’ll hang themselves.”
I hope they know what they are doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They do not know what they are doing. This is a serious problem and the Democrats need to get their asses in gear on this and on other national security issues. The strategy for the Iraq vote was to support it and attempt to neutralize the issue so that they could return the debate to domestic issues on which they had an advantage. Then they would coast into control of the House and maintain their hold on the Senate. That strategy didn't pan out very well.

Now the plan appears to be to count on the judgment and fundamental decency of the Republicans while they have their backs to the wall on every other issue. As they are fond of saying in the military, "hope is not a plan."

The basic problem here is that the Democrats are utterly worthless on national security. One of the main reasons for that is that Democrats and especially the progressive wing of the Democratic party is too squeamish to consider how to apply violence in the pursuit of political objectives. They are essentially moral narcissists who are incapable of admitting that the maintenance of their way of life requires atrocity. Thus they do not think of how they can fight and win wars, let alone try to convey a strategic vision to the American people.

The end product is that so long as there is any possibility of generating fear in the populace, the Republicans will continue to enjoy massive advantages on this issue and they will continue to push the dialog in this direction and they may very well continue to hold on to power. The result will be that the progressives who are too infatuated with an image of their own moral purity will be effectively enabling people who use violence without economy and they will have even more blood on their hands than they would have had they been more responsible about issues of force and violence in the first place.

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