Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What the money says

Tradesport predictions and other election matters
Senate seats to watch:

Arizona - turning Democratic - 7.9%
Connecticut - remaining Democratic (Lamont) - 4.0%
Connecticut - remaining 'Democratic' (Lieberman)- 94.7%
Maryland - remaining Democratic - 65.3%
Michigan - remaining Democratic - 94.9%
Minnesota - remaining Democratic - 92.9%
Missouri - turning Democratic - 60.0%
Montana - turning Democratic - 69.0%
New Jersey - remaining Democratic - 94.2%
Ohio - turning Democratic - 96.2%
Pennsylvania - turning Democratic - 94.2%
Rhode Island - turning Democratic - 68.0%
Tennessee - turning Democratic - 22.0%
Virginia - turning Democratic - 66.0%
Washington - remaining Democratic - 92.2%
The Dems are a lock to win back the House, but still on the losing end of picking up the Senate - not much margin for error there, they'd have to win all 6 seats that are vulnerable. However - interestingly, the 6 most contested Senate seats all predict Dem victory (unfortunately, Lieberman wins also.).

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