Thursday, May 17, 2007

WTF!?? Rupert Murdoch is joining the fight against climate change!?

The greening of Fox
Last week, the media mogul pledged not only to make his News Corp. empire carbon neutral, but to persuade the hundreds of millions of people who watch his TV channels and read his newspapers to join the cause. Messages about climate change will be woven throughout News Corp.'s entertainment content, he said, from movies to books to TV sitcoms, and the issue will have an increasing presence in the company's news coverage, be it in the New York Post or on "Hannity & Colmes." Yes, as Murdoch said in an exclusive interview on his climate plan, even Fox News' right-wing firebrand Sean Hannity can be expected to come around on the issue.
If this is true, this is some great news - not just because its good for the environment, but because I am sick and tired of listening to global warming cynics who somehow think that global warming is an ideological issue use poor logic to spout off about something they don't know anything about. It should be enjoyable to watch the bubbleheads like Hannity try to spin this new spin and explain it away. I bet they take the - it is efficient to change angle- that might appeal. Whatever they say, at least it is movement in the right direction.

1 comment:

nick said...

he's australian, and i guess australia has had some scary drought weather the past six years, like nothing they have ever seen before, so maybe they were scared straight.

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