Monday, August 06, 2007

Global warming

Walking to the shops ‘damages planet more than going by car’

The argument is that the CO2 production in the food production and delivery processes is so high that the food we burn by walking (and thus requiring more food) creates more C02 and relaxing behind the wheel.

So, what to do? Well a good start is to 1) realize that food production system is harmful, 2) try to buy local products (flying in foods is costly), 3) stop eating beef, and 4) don't buy pre-made meals (refrigeration is expensive)


nick said...

according to this, buying local isnt necessarily better for the environment that flying-in food. it depends on what resources were used to create the food.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and I'm sure if we all stopped having sex, we'd produce less CO2 as well. Oh, and no more sports. Better yet, why not give up life altogether? Death is completely carbon-neutral. Well, maybe the decomposition isn't, but I'm sure it's not as carbon costly as living.

Sorry, I love to walk and I'm not stopping. Also, I don't even have a car.

And I'm still going to eat beef. Maybe I'll eat less, but I'm not going to stop altogether.

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