Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Getting ugly

Oh man. I'll just steal the whole post:

Seems that those who read US Weekly aren't big fans of Sarah Palin (R):

Also, Mark Halperin says this is the magazine's upcoming cover. Not exactly a flattering one:

UPDATE: It gets worse for Palin, OK Magazine has its own cover.

I can only imagine how many million of women these two magazines reach -- not to mention overall eyes at the checkout stands...

UPDATE #2 (5:38 pm ET): ABC News' Rick Klein offers this on the US Weekly cover:

[T]his, to me, is the clearest evidence yet that the McCain-Palin campaign is losing the battle over Palin’s image. US Weekly readers are the voters her selection was designed to attract. There’s not much to like in this early take -- and not much to indicate that the next round will be much better.

UPDATE #3 (5:43 pm ET): An excerpt from the US Weekly story:

“Within hours of McCain’s surprise introduction of the little-known, charismatic mother of five as his running mate, the scandals began to emerge as quickly as flies at a Labor Day picnic,” Mara Reinstein writes for the magazine.

“While putting to rest one scandal, Palin appeared to have opened another of even greater significance. Staunchly antiabortion (even in cases of rape) and opposed to sex-education classes (she believes in abstinence instruction for teens), ques tions began to arise about not just her judg ment, but that of McCain’s as well,” Reinstein writes.

This is really, really bad news for Palin.

Is it possible to withdraw her from the ticket? It seems that people are beginning to speculate on that. Is that possible? I suppose so... has this ever happened before? This is McCain's Miers moment.

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