Friday, September 26, 2008

US Americans!

Btw - that second video has been seen over 29 *million* times.

[update] A little more:


nick said...

the miss teen video is so bad that i really feel bad for her. i think if i were in her position, at that age, on a national stage like that, i get a nose bleed or shake uncontrollably or something similarly horribly embarrassing, so its hard to be critical of her. but it is the most cringe-worthy video around.

Anonymous said...

"Our next door neighbors are foreign countries"

Would you like a cookie? Cmon America!! You are (were) the richest country in the world, spend some more on education so that your VP candidate doesn't sound like a high schooler!!! This has got to be about the worst time in history for someone like her to be one heartbeat away. Unbelievable!

How are ya Matt? Hope all is well with you and your lovely wife. I'm still in London holding up the global financial system. This week might be, er, rough. Don't worry, the market and economy is going to be so bad that Obama will get in 350+.

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