Thursday, May 25, 2006

CBC is pissed

Pelosi move triggers revolt
Furious black lawmakers, rallying behind Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.), were pulled back from the brink of open revolt against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in an emergency meeting with her yesterday.

The meeting with a handful of CBC members was called after Pelosi wrote the embattled lawmaker, who is at the center of a massive bribery scandal, a curt note requesting his immediate resignation from the powerful Ways and Means Committee.

Outraged that one of its members was being picked on even though he has not been charged with a crime, the Congressional Black Caucus had intended to issue a defiant statement against their leader but agreed after the meeting to pause, at least briefly, for reflection.
I think they are wrong on this one, I understand it - but they have to know that it is a culture of corruption thing, and not discriminatory. Although, the raiding of a congresspersons office in the time of the high and mighty executive office is a bit scary - and also considering all the investigations concerning republican lawmakers and suddenly the raid the office of a democrat? Hmm...

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