Friday, January 05, 2007

Dems to GOP

I feel your pain

Frankly they deserve it for a while. Let the Republicans whine for a while. Partnership can only come with trust and there is no trust between Dems and Republicans now... Question is, how to build that trust back?

They did get some lobbying reforms passed, however, 430-1.
The House passed the first portion of that package overwhelmingly Thursday night, 430-1, with Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., the only opponent. It largely would ban meals, gifts and travel from lobbyists. It also would ban members from taking free rides on corporate jets. A second portion of the package, which would require lawmakers to identify which "earmark" spending projects they request and to curb deficit spending, is to be voted on Friday.
I'm curious to see how the earmarking thing passes. My guess is that not many republicans will want to go on record against transparency right now... Here's hoping.

They also introduced some more stuff on that first day...
After the swearing-in ceremonies, Reid introduced the Democrats' first 10 bills for the 110th Congress. Overhauling Congress' ethics system topped the agenda, followed by raising the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour.

Democrats also plan to introduce bills to change the Medicare prescription-drug program, act on the 9-11 commission's recommendations, fund stem cell research, repair the nation's immigration system, strengthen the military, address rising college tuition, force Congress to tighten budget rules and develop an energy policy.

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