Friday, January 12, 2007

Not so happy

Did the President Declare "Secret War" Against Syria and Iran?
Washington intelligence, military and foreign policy circles are abuzz today with speculation that the President, yesterday or in recent days, sent a secret Executive Order to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director of the CIA to launch military operations against Syria and Iran.

The President may have started a new secret, informal war against Syria and Iran without the consent of Congress or any broad discussion with the country.
I agree that this is a very Bad Thing. I can easily see how Bush would do this, though. Desperate to change the dynamic - and I could see him be convinced that that means covert operations to disrupt supply activities from Iran and Syria. He threatened Iran and Syria in the speech and talked about new rules of engagement. He is a desperate man, whose very large ego is on the line.

more on plans for operations Iran.

and Tom isn't helping.

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